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Read What Patients Are Saying
Patty R., Oceanside, CA
I am so glad that I have the opportunity to share about my successful experience with the amazing Dr. Geronimo who has been treating my Hashimoto’s and back injury. Anyone who suffers from chronic inflammation caused from an autoimmune condition knows how devastating all the symptoms can be and how they play havoc on your daily life and relationships.
Before seeing Dr. G I was starting to lose hope that I would ever get better. I had all the typical symptoms of Hashi’s: fatigue, brain fog, apathy, hair loss, food sensitivities, bloating, joint pain, and was sleep deprived. Despite my many symptoms I received zero help from my primary care provider. Thankfully, my acupuncturist realized how much I was suffering and referred me to Dr G.
Even though I thought I was doing all the right things to get better I still felt terrible and wasn’t the same energetic or outgoing person that I used to be until I started following Dr. G’s brain function, dietary and supplemental recommendations. Each geared towards my specific needs. His recommendations not only changed my life for the better, they have saved my life because he was able to determine the root cause of my Hashimoto’s, which is a key factor in conquering any disease.
I couldn’t be more pleased with Dr. Geronimo and feel very fortunate to be treated by someone who specializes in functional neurology & functional medicine. Most importantly, someone who genuinely cares about his patients. I wish everyone could be treated by him so that he could help them improve their quality of life just like he has done for me. I am so glad that I chose this highly qualified and very skilled professional to help me turn my life around. I can never thank Dr. Geronimo enough for his incredible knowledge, compassion, and kind heart. Thank you, Dr. G, you’re absolutely the BEST!
Natasha D., Temecula CA
At the age of 11 I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and ever since have been taking the prescribed medication. At age 34 I began noticing a lack of ability to concentrate, and follow through, it worried me a bit but I was too busy raising young children, working, and going to school to stop and take the time to analyze my symptoms and put together patterns. Time went on and my symptoms got worse. I was having issues with my work, school performance and missed a couple of my children’s school events, which made me feel like a total failure. I had parents in their late 80’s who were active and had a sharp mind, how could they at their age (88 years old) have the clarity and focus I so envied while I am only in mid 30’s? After expressing my concerns to my doctor, I was diagnosed and prescribed medications that didn’t help me, the last being Adderall. I had MRI’s taken before being referred to a neurologist who couldn’t find anything wrong and sent me to a psychologist. I changed my doctor and as a new patient with a history of hypothyroidism, my new doctor wanted to check me for thyroid antibodies. The results came back and I was told I had an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s which is the primary condition and I have hypothyroidism as a result. I asked if this meant I needed to do anything different or take additional medication and I was told that this just explained why I had hypothyroidism and I needn’t make any changes. At this point I was feeling desperate and began searching online, which we are told not to do because we don’t want to self-diagnose or self-prescribe anything. I am glad I didn’t follow the advice because I came across the studies of Dr. Karrashian and everything made sense, the studies were describing my symptoms! Through his website looked for practitioners following his protocol and I found Dr. Rommel Geronimo! I was nervous initially but quickly I felt at ease and trusted Dr. Geronimo. I followed the protocol he prescribed, it wasn’t easy eliminating so many foods and remembering to take the supplements at first. Sometimes I even felt so sad at the grocery store seeing all the food I could no longer eat! Dr. Geronimo encouraged me and with his guidance, humor and assurance I kept following the protocol and immediately felt better. The very first thing was that I wasn’t bloated anymore, then I lost close to 30 lbs. and the focus and energy followed. Although my parents are no longer with me, I know I will live a life full of health and hopefully one as long as theirs. Thank you Dr. Geronimo, God bless you.
Lisa Rodriguez
San Diego, CA
All to often we only find time to write reviews when we have negative experiences, rarely do we do the opposite. In this case, it is my heartfelt privilege to write this review and relay my daughter’s experience with Dr. Rommel Geronimo, as he has been the health care provider to finally give us a definitive answer to my daughter’s persistent ailments. My daughter, now 12 years old, has had a lifetime of constant sickness, and exhaustion. Kids her age were always on the go around her, playing, exerting energy and having fun, while she always wanted to stay home and relax, because she was “tired”. I would still attempt to keep her active in sports and other activities, but after a normal outing or a game, the next day she was sick. It was always a suspicion of mine that there was some sort of underlying autoimmune issue, however, after years and years of visiting various doctors in quite a few different fields, for quite a few different issues, we were no closer to an answer that before. In view of this, we decided to look into different types of health care providers and through sheer luck we came across Dr. Geronimo. Within the first few minutes in his office, he identified an issue with her heart rate and asked us if her primary care physician had ever commented to this fact, they had not. We have since learned that she has Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), a condition that deals with an elevated heart rate. We hence learned from Dr. Geronimo that the same part of the brain that deals with heart rate, additionally deals with the Fight or Flight mechanism and this causes Anxiety, which my daughter also deals with. It finally all ties in, and we have an understanding of what are daughter is dealing with; why her body was always tired and stressed, thus, making her more susceptible to sickness. Dr. Geronimo spent an extensive amount of time explaining this condition and what the best treatment options are. He has exceeded all our expectations when it comes to her path of recovery and we hope for a life-changing outcome. We knew we were in good hands immediately, because of his calm and direct nature. His presence, kindness, caring and truly gifted diagnostic abilities make him a great find, a great resource, a healer that can be trusted to work in your best interest.
Kiersten Baak
Provost, UT
Hello Dr. Geronimo,
I have good news! Over these past few weeks, I’ve felt well enough to have the confidence to sign up and participate in my university’s intramural soccer program. A year ago, I never would have dreamed that I’d ever again have the ability to participate on a recreational sports team. Now, I’ve already been to a couple of practices and we had our first game last night. I can definitely tell that my body is out of shape since I haven’t been conditioned to play high endurance sports like I used to, but my progress has been noticeably astounding. Even though I can’t really keep up with the other players, I don’t experience extreme joint pain during/after physical activity like I used to; the worst that happens is that I grow fatigued more quickly and my muscles ache rather than my joints. I feel that’s understandable though, since I’ve been so out of practice. It doesn’t take me a span of days to recover anymore thankfully, and I assume these symptoms are mostly from me being physically inactive for so long. As for right now, I feel pretty good!
I remember what you said about me reducing my activity level up to 50% if I can’t recover in two days’ time, and I also recall what you told me about calculating my target heart rate, so I am assuredly keeping those things in mind while I attempt to play soccer over these next couple of months. My endurance and strength is not what it used to be so I’m taking it relatively easy while I play, but like I said before, I’m so pleased with where I am heading — and it’s all because of your work with me! You have really blessed my life in immeasurable ways.
As far as the dieting is concerned, I have been keeping up with it rather well. I continue to only eat foods that are within the green target references and have avoided those in the yellow and red zones. In addition, I also eat an abundant amount of vegetables and meats (particularly fish), and have also included more red meat in my diet throughout the week to keep my iron levels up. I do my best to stay away from fruits that have higher glycemic indexes as well.
I really miss our weekly visits and catching up with you… I can’t fully express my thanks for how much my life has improved. The power of nutrition on the body really is remarkable. I hope all is going well for you as you prepare for your October exams and continue in your work.
You are a lifesaver, Dr. Geronimo!
Erin Campbell
Coronado, CA
Dr. Geronimo, just want to thank you for helping me to feel so much better. There is no doubt in my mind that God led me to you. When I first started coming to you, I felt lost in my circumstances and depressed. You have given me such insight and hope. I feel like a new person. Thank you!
Please know that what you do changes peoples lives. It has forever changed me. I really feel that there are not enough words that could be written or said to express the thankfulness of my heart. You took the time to care when lots of other doctors did not. I never would have believed that food was medicine. My eyes have been opened. Thank you for caring!
Las Vegas, NV
I was pretty far along in knowing how to manage my autoimmune condition, but I reached a sticking point and some chronic symptoms were leaving me a little less than hopeful. In less than 3 months, your methods have helped helped me reign in my focus and see areas I was missing. I especially appreciate the extra time and effort you took into really attending to all the little details of what I was sorting through. Thanks to your help, I am finally back to focusing on living more and free from the random chronic symptoms that were consuming my attention!
Greta Money age 45
Highland Utah
Two years ago today my life was saved.
For 6 years prior I was frequently bed ridden for long periods of time from the effects of multiple auto immune diseases. I could no longer work, take care of my home, and a nanny was raising my only child. Then my brand new doctor Dr. Geronimo called with the lab results he had ordered. Dr. Geronimo told me that the primary cause for my illnesses were due to food allergies. He explained that if I was willing to follow his prescribed nutritional plan and take specific supplements! I could heal. He assured me that he would support me every step of the way and that I could return to a fully functional life. At this point in my journey to find answers, I had endured 3 surgeries and was on 10 + medications 2-3 times a day. Yet still, my thyroid , liver and kidneys were shutting down, my weight was at an all time high, I had chronic diarreha, and most days I broke out in hives coupled with severe itching. The next day I began treatment under Dr. Geronimo’s care. True to his word, he guided me every step of the way as I made the necessary changes to my diet and lifestyle. Within 6 weeks I was off all medications. In 12 weeks all my organs were functioning normal and I no longer needed a nanny. By month six, I had lost 50 pounds and was healthier than I had ever been in my entire life. I am so thankful for the knowledge and guidance Dr. Geronimo provided me. I believe I am alive and living well today due to his expertise and commitment to me as his patient.
Regina Smith
Palms Springs, CA
In January 2013, I began having many signs of hypothyroidism. Having gone to several doctors, I was getting no where. I put on 14 pounds that year and became very tired and had on and off depression. I had leg cramps and was constipated. Sugar was always my main ‘desire’. Finding Dr. Geronimo was an answer to my problems. Since seeing him on March 4, 2014, I have lost 14 pounds, have had leg cramps only one time, and my bowels are regular. I find from the foods he told me to avoid and those that I could eat, by following his instructions, I feel like I am alive again. I no longer have depression, no insomnia, and no dry mouth where I literally have had to ”peel” my tongue from the roof of my mouth. I am so grateful for his care. Anyone having health issues should definitely see Dr. Geronimo. Regina Smith
Martin Schmidt, Esq
Attorney At Law
San Diego
Over the last few years I had been gaining weight and having slight symptoms such asleg cramps, intolerance to cold and fatigue. Also my glucose, uric acid and cholesterol levels were rising. I would leave every visit to my primary care doctor with another prescription that I refused to fill. I have always had a healthy diet and exercised 5 times a week. Everything I read about health said these rising markers were signs of inflammation. There are years of research that shows inflammation causes aging, disease and medication just makes the markers look good. It does nothing for the real problem. I started ordering my own blood tests and taking supplements to get my blood markers in order. It worked sort of. The real problem with my doing it on my own was I knew just enough to be dangerous.
A trusted nutritionalist friend recommended that I see Dr. Geronimo. He ordered blood tests that had never been ordered before. The test showed I had hashimoto’s. Then I realized even with my healthy diet and exercise I had gained over 20 lbs. in the last few years that I couldn’t lose.
Dr. Geronimo put me on an elimination diet that was not easy. However I have lost 30 lbs. I look 10 years younger. What I thought was the natural aging process was not. I feel great, and most important with the supplements that Dr. Geronimo prescribed for me my thyroid is working properly again. My TSH dropped in half. My fasting glucose is normal.
If you want an easy way, take a pill. If you want optimum health don’t make the mistake of trying to do it on your own. I can’t thank my friend enough for sending me to Dr. Geronimo.
Anouk VanGoens
The Hague, Netherlands
About a year and a half ago, in March 2011, I contacted Dr. Geronimo looking for a better treatment for Hashimoto’s disease. At that time, I didn’t know anything about the illness, except that I had to take a pill every day for the rest of my life. I was diagnosed in 2007 and started treatment immediately. Nevertheless within the years, I started to develop physical and emotional symptoms that I h ad no idea where related to the illness: lot of tiredness, extreme sensibility, leaky gut, intestinal gases, indigestion, bloating, my hair was thin and falling, dry skin, eczema, brain fog, constipation, depression, and weight gain among others. Certainly the three worst ones were my intestinal problems, my over extreme fatigue and my heart palpations. The last one sent me to emergency room about three or four times in the course of two years. Unfortunately neither my cardiologist nor my endocrinologist could find anything wrong with me, and both denied giving me any treatment for these
horrible episodes, because “my levels were normal”.
Luckily for me I found Dr. G. After reading some testimonials and talking to some of his patients, I did not doubt for one minute this was the path I wanted to take. It seemed like a long road but I was determined. I started the treatment in May 2011, cleaning my diet, eliminating the foods I am intolerant to, working on my leaky gut, balancing my sugar levels, and working on my adrenals. In February 2012 we started working on other hormonal imbalances.
I can say with all honesty that it has been the best decision I have taken, and the best thing I could have done for me and my health. Now I don’t have any symptoms, I have lot of energy and can exercise normally, I don’t have any flare ups, my acne is under control, eczema disappeared, hair is growing, depression is gone. I can truly say that I am a happy person because I got my life back!
Thank you Dr. G for guiding me all the way !. You are the best !!
Natalie Reeve
Lehi, Utah
My husband and I have 14 month old twin girls who started taking DHA four months ago. We’ve since become a huge fans of the product as the results were almost immediate. One of the girls had a lazy eye that frequently veered to the right when she was looking at someone or something directly. A few days into taking DHA, her wandering eye completely corrected itself. Whenwe miss a few days of DHA her eye starts to wander again. Their social awareness has improved tremendously. They are aware of other people and very responsive to any interaction from someone else. Also they began interacting, babbling, and laughing at each other within the first week of taking DHA. One daughter was extremely slow to warm up to people. She’d be so overcome with anxiety when an unrecognizable person entered the room she’d cling to me and cry while staring at the stranger in complete fear. While she is still on the shy side her anxiety has almost disappeared. She now allows new people to hold her without expressing an ounce of fear. Our other daughter is as active as can be and just constantly moving. It seemed prior to taking DHA she had a short attention span and became frustrated easily. Since taking DHA, she will sit and play with a single toy for up to ten minutes. Instead of throwing a fit when she is frustrated with a toy she persists in trying to figure it out. She now enjoys putting lids on containers, stacking objects, playing hide and seek (with people or objects), trying to put together toddler puzzles(not quite there yet), and exploring cause and effect objects around the house. They both are developing language skills quickly. This past weekend we were surprised to hear difficult words like “horsey,” “roll it,” “grandpa,” and “car,” come out of their mouths. We feel blessed that Dr. Geronimo recommended DHA for our daughters as they are making progress faster than we thought possible. In the coming years we will continue to start and end every day with DHA!
Richard Stoner
Poughkeepsie, New York
Just want everyone to know that after starting with Dr Rommel Geronimo. I have been feeling a lot better and way more normal.I have had very bad days where I wanna just cry becuase I feel so bad.Its very scary but well worth it when you realize you are starting to gain back what was once lost.I still have away to go.But I know there is way more room for me to feel even better.Today is the first time I feel sorta happy about how feel I am actually doing.yes it was for a moment but it gave me the feeling of hope. Thank you Dr Rommel Geronimo for
being understanding.
RaVen Sequoia
Greely, Colorado
I’m pleased to report that I’ve bounced back much quicker than I thought. Usually with multiple chemical sensitivity it takes me 3 weeks to a month to fully recover. So whatever I’ve been taking the past month, has been truly keeping me on my feet.I only have a slightest trace of a headache and lung aches now… the rest of the symptoms faded away. I’m reeling from astonishment of how much faster I’ve recovered. So something positive is really happening for my FMS/Hashi’s/MCS case. I’m noticing for the past month now that I bounce back faster whenever I am distressed biologically, emotionally or physically – Another good news is that when I went outside in the really cold air on Wednesday – I could feel a twinge of my back muscles spasm but as soon I was in a warm room, it subsided. That NEVER happens… usually, once I get an INTENSE muscle spasms it lasts for a week or so and I am literally on the floor crying in deep pain as if in labor pains or something and would have to crawl on the floor on my hands and knees just to get from one room to the next and stop everything I am doing until it fades. So, last Wed. I panicked and rushed back inside and to my shock my back muscles just relaxed. Hoping for the best -my exercise buddy picked me up and we exercised together at the gym and I went overboard 1.5 hour instead of 1 hour and I did not have any sore muscles the next day. Again reeling. So, it’s delightful that recycler, oxi-cell -everything else that you prescribed benefits me continuously.
I’m still not used to this and wary as it feels “too good to be true” — but ever since October’s remedies — I can now finally state I’m seeing real results.
Wanted to share that with you as I forgot to include this in your assessment form that I mailed last week.
Seriously, I have not been pain-free since my mid-twenties…. a very long time, too long and it’s actually weird for me because I’m usually always griping and complaining about this pain or that pain, or this symptom everyday
– to the point of boring my friends and family to pieces.
This month’s surprising turn out boggles my mind still because I’m too used to daily chronic pain. It’s quite subtle because while there’s still tension in my body, and as soon I skip calcium/magnesium liquid supplement,
whammo, it’s back to spasms again. However, the stiffness in my spine dramatically reduced — and then I feel so normal and so energetic and focused… it dawned to me that my pain was really distracting my mind a lot –
how scary! No wonder sick people are exhausted mentally as well as physically – two side of a coin. I still have to be careful when I bend over for an extended period of time doing house chores – the muscle spasms in my back will seized up — but I seem to recover faster than before. That’s another surprising result.
Today I over did it with hosting an ASL Scrabble Potluck — before this I was rearranging my office furniture with a student (trade) and then taught her one hour’s worth of lesson – and then had to prep for the potluck. By
the time 4:30pm rolled around I was fading fast. Took a fitful nap at 6pm for half hour and forced myself to stay awake until bedtime. What’s great to me is that I was able to finally wash all of my huge pile of dishes today –
not like two or three days later! That’s like a miracle to me.
I’m not used to finishing things so quickly as I always have to self pace my energy output.
Sally N
San Diego, CA
I first saw Dr. Geronimo because I thought I had carpal tunnel syndrome. After his examination, he told me that he didn’t think I had carpal tunnel syndrome and thought that I might have Rheumatoid Arthritis. My grandmother had severe arthritis, but it didn’t even dawn on me until Dr. G suggested it. He recommended some blood tests and some xraya. To make a long story short, the x-rays confirmed that I had Rheumatoid Arthritis and the blood tests indicated that my thyroid antibodies were out of range. I didn’t even know I had thyroid issues. Anyway, Dr. G lent me a copy of Dr. Kharrazian’s book, “Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms?”
and told me about Hashimoto’s. I just finished reading it and I have started the treatment protocol. I feel so much better being gluten and dairy free, although I must admit that I still have cravings. My wrists and hands feel great! It’s amazing what a simple change in diet can do. This whole experience has been a big eye opener and I am learning so much about my health and autoimmune disease. I still have a lot more to learn and a
long way to go with my Fibromyalgia but I am so thankful that I’ve found Dr.
Charlene Logsdon
Windham, New Hampsire
Dr. Geronimo, I wanted to thank you for the care I’ve received since starting treatment with you. My recent tests, my weight loss and feeling much better are proof that your method of treatment works for me. My thyroid if functioning as it should. Thank you again for all of your help!
Hi Dr. Geronimo! I wanted to tell you how thrilled I have been with the changes I’ve see in Ben since he has started treatment with you. His energy levels are up. He wants to run, be chased, ride bikes. He has
auditory sensitivities due to Sensory Processing Disorder. Loud noises have limited many activities for him, especially loud indoor activities. However, I have seen changes in this area, too. He has participated in a
Tae Kwon Do class, which is quite loud with people yelling “eye-ya” repeatedly. A few weeks later we went to his first baseball game and the challenge here was loud unexpected noises, sitting in close contact with other
people and fireworks at the end of the game. He had a great time, we stayed for the whole game, even the fireworks and only time he covered his ears was during the fireworks. No other allopathic doctor, naturopath,
osteopath, homeopath has ever checked his GI function and what a revelation that was! Now that we are treating his infections and have removed the foods he’s sensitive to from his diet, he’s on the road to recovery. Thank you SO much Dr. Geronimo!! Charlene Logsdon Windham, NH
Here’s an update on Ben from June 16 2011
Hi Dr. Geronimo, I wanted to tell you about Benjamin and the changes I’m seeing. He’s playing catch with Daddy, catching high flies, grounders and this week they started batting practice. Ben has been jumping rope, he’s up to 10-14 jumps without stopping, attempting pull ups and is halfway there, running laps around the basement, punching his punching bag, playing pool, going for bike rides!! I could go on It shows me he’s feeling better, getting stronger and having fun!! Thank you, thank you!!
Tracy Meissner
San Diego, CA
I began my journey with Hashimoto’s disease in the fall of 2007. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in the summer of 2006 and immediately afterwards lost all my baby weight along with 25 pounds that I had not anticipated losing. I didn’t think anything of it since I was sleep deprived and also exercising quite a bit in the Florida heat. In the summer of 2007 we moved to CA when I started to notice that I was slowly gaining weight. I thought it was bizarre but again dismissed it thinking it was because of the move across the country. With any military move you always have to find a new doctor and meet with them to discuss anything and everything that they might need to know about. The moment I sat in this new doctor’s office he noticed that my eyes were slightly enlarged and even though I told him that it was hereditary, he ordered some blood work immediately. To my utter surprise he told me on the next visit that I had Hashimoto’s Disease. I was destroyed. I felt like I had embraced a new lifestyle over the past few years of health and fitness and to hear that my body had failed in some respect was devastating. I was given Chinese herbs to try and help stop the progress of the disease, but they slowly stopped helping and I eventually I was started on thyroid replacement. I tried out many
different kinds and finally settled on Synthroid. Things were okay for a while but I noticed that every 6 months I would get my blood tested and it seemed that my doctor was continually increasing my dosage for Synthroid. I got to thinking, what is this disease exactly? It was about this time that my adrenal glands were crashing. I didn’t know it, but what I did know was that my patience was short, my temper was fierce, and I was tired beyond all imagination. My doctor ordered a saliva test and what we saw was one of the worse cases he had ever seen. He actually asked me if he could use my test as an example to some students in the future of adrenal failure. I was astonished. Once again my body was failing when I had thought that I was doing everything right. He put me on some supplements that did help a little but I noticed that if I forgot to take them for a few days I was a complete mess. I got used to my life though. I figured I’d be tired forever and my mantra became, Just survive Trace, make it through the day and you’ll be okay. We moved again in 2009, to San Diego, where my husband was on sea duty and gone for extended periods of time. I think I began to accept my life as frustrating and this endless sea of fatigue and impatience with my children. I hated how negative I had become and I was overwhelmed with being a mother that I felt I was ill equipped to handle. Then a miracle of miracles happened. I wanted to buy a supplement online and asked customer service if I could still take it if I had Hashi’s. A woman called me on a Saturday night from the company and spoke with me for over an hour about Dr. Kharrazian’s book called “Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms?” She also asked me about my gluten intake. I have a friend who is a chiropractor and she had been trying to get me gluten free for a couple years, but it just seemed too hard. By the end of the conversation I was crying and wishing I had never spoke with her, and at the same time thanking God because I felt like he had answered my prayers and she had unknowingly saved my life. I ordered the book and read it in one sitting. I was amazed with what I learned and immediately got to work finding someone that I could trust and afford to help guide me through this protocol. I found Dr. Rommel Geronimo and he has been nothing short of amazing to me. Within a few weeks we had determined which way my immune system was leaning and although I was feeling so much better already, he warned me that I had some tough times ahead. He was right, there was work to be done on my body to help make it right again. A few times I collapsed in tears thinking that it was too hard and that I couldn’t do it, but I found the
strength through God, my friends, and Dr. G’s constant support and encouragement. My husband was gone through a bulk of this process but he supported me and was amazed with the outcome as I moved from month to month and eventually didn’t need a nap during the day at all! It had been years since I could get through the day without coffee or a nap and now I don’t need either! I have motivation again and desire for life that I thought was gone forever and my husband and children are living with a more relaxed, more patient, more
energized, fun loving wife and mom that I know they were missing. I can’t thank Dr. Geronimo for sticking with me through this process and helping me achieve this level of health that I sorely missed for so many years. Although I know that I will never be “cured” of Hashimoto’s and I have to be gluten free forever, I know that I was lead to Dr. Geronimo for a reason and I am so thankful for him and for so many others that have helped me get where I am today.
Lori K.
Almost a year ago I was looking for answers wondering why I was so fatigued and why I had such brain fog. I ate a healthy diet and exercised regularly, yet I still had these symptoms. My family doctor wanted to put my on antidepressants and birth control pills to “control my symptoms!” In my search for answers I read about Dr. Kharrazian’s Protocol. I then researched for doctors who used this protocol. I found one in the Denver area where I live but the costs and long drive prohibited me from going to him. I then found Dr. Geronimo, who not on uses the Kharrazian Protocol through phone consultation but at about half of the cost. I have now been a patient of Dr. G’s for over six months and I have my life back! I have my energy again, my brain fog has lifted, and I feel at least 10 years younger! Dr. G has been very thorough, has answered every question, explained things thoroughly and is patiently addressing the issues I still have left. I’m thankful that the doctor in Denver didn’t work out; I believe Dr. Geronimo did a more thorough job than the local doctor would have.
Linda Wilbert
Fayetteville, North Carolina
I was diagnosed with Hashi in 09. My symptoms included dry eyes, hair and skin, 24/7 muscle and joint pain, hands and feet were swollen and had a burning sensation, coordination problems and ending up being bedridden from Dec. 09 until Feb. 10. My whole life came to a stand still and my mind was occupied with suicidal thoughts. Every doctor I went to told me I have fibromyalgia and there is nothing more they can do for me besides giving me T4 medication.
I found Dr. G. and after 3 month of treatment I’m now able to start living again. Dr. G. did a comprehensive blood test, and called me to explain everything in detail. The consultation took 1 hour. He ordered supplements to balance my immune system, take care of adrenal issues as well as blood sugar issues.
Without Dr. G.’s medical knowledge, the right supplements and his constant support and encouragement, I would not be alive today. He called me his most challenging case. There were often times when I just wanted to give up, but after talking with him he always pointed out what I already accomplished and that the next
success is just around the corner. I am now almost without any pain, and every other symptom has disappeared. I am also off thyroid medication since the 8th April.
I am glad I trusted Dr. G. and didn’t give up. But without his support and the right approach for the treatment I would not be alive.
Stacy Heatherly,
Omaha, Nebraska
Friday July 2, 2010 my husband and I prepped for the party on the 3rd. On the 3rd my husband and I and our two boys Eric and Logan roasted a pig for a welcome home party for Karl, my oldest son’s best friend returning from his sencond and last tour in Iraq. We spent from 9AM to 9PM roasting, partying and cleaning up. On the 4th we had all of his family and our friends over and made a few side dishes and served the remaining pork. We wrapped around 11:30PM.
A little less than 2 months ago I could have never been able to even consider doing all of this and actively participating.
I did really well and now have wonderful memories I can cherish for the rest of my life. I just want to say thank you Dr G for helping me get my life back. I know I have a journey ahead of me, but I am confident I have found the right doctor to guide me. Bless you and your family.
So today is a very very good day. I was awake at 7:30AM which is really good for me. I’ve been going to bed almost every night at 10:30PM for the past two months and getting up at 8:30AM. Yes, thats 10 hours of sleep and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Last night i went to bed at 1030PM and was wide awake at 7:30AM and ready… to get up! No fatigue, no lightheadeness and no feeling like I needed more sleep. I washed, dried and put away a load of laundry, cut back ALL my rose buches and put yard waste in the trash can, unloaded and
reloaded my dishwasher, wiped down all counter tops, mopped the floors, cleaned the track on the sliding glass doors and vacuumed the entire top level. I’m making a loaf of gf banana bread today. Everyone always listens to my bad days. I wanted to share my first really good one! Two months into the protocol. Oh and it’s only 10:15 AM. I know I have said this a lot, but i’m saying it again. Thank you Dr G. You have given me my life back.
Alice Mcdonnell
New Fairfield, Connecticut
I just had my first phone consultation yesterday with Dr. Geronimo and all I have to say is WOW. I am so completely satisfied and excited to be getting started on Dr. K’s protocol from the book. I think I was even more comfortable being in my own home and feeling more relaxed. I just wanted to lay out the process for anyone who doesn’t have access to a dr. near them that’s using Dr. Kharrazian’s Hashimoto’s protocol, and would like to consider phone consultations with a Dr. who is. First, I had my PCP prescribe all the recommended testing so that my insurance covers that. My PCP is wonderful and very open minded and he was on board with all the tests he was able to order. There are a few tests I need to do and not sure if they’re covered so I may have to order those on my own. I filled out some Metabolic Assessment, Neurotransmitter, and medical history forms and faxed those back with all of my lab results. During this time I did the Th1/th2 challenge and Dr. G was able to determine that I’m th2 dominant so I’m starting on x-viromen to balance the pathways. During my consult, Dr. Geronimo went over each and every section and gave a full explanation of what it was for and my results. So now I have a step by step plan. I need to test to confirm if I have any parasitic infections which would need to be treated first then I can undergo the clearvite fast to address insulin resistance and hypoglycemia. I have some serious adrenal issues which will improve as the other issues are addressed and Hashimoto’s hypothyroid is definitely affecting my brain function. So as I suspected all along….I’m a mess!!! But, at least now I know exactly why! I’m using Oxicell and adrena calm which help with adrenals and infection. I’ll continue with follow up testing through my PCP and follow up consultations with Dr. Geronimo every few months as necessary. It’s going to take time….possibly a year or 2 to heal in my case but I have so many wasted years feeling terrible so the healing time is nothing in comparison. It seems i’m a hardcore classic Hashimoto case but I can’t stress enough the importance of getting the right testing and treatments. I’ll stress again how important it is to check all vitamin and mineral levels for deficiency because those need to be addressed as well or you won’t feel better. I’ve finally gotten all my levels where they should be and I had to religiously take my supplements and will continue to do so and stay monitored. I hope this is helpful to anyone who wants to start Dr. Kharrazian’s protocol and is apprehensive about considering phone consultations as means to do so. As I said, my PCP is open minded but someone who is trained with the protocol is necessary! I am happy to highly recommend Dr. Geronimo if anyone is interested in considering him. I’ll post my progress….
Carol Makuta,
Easton, Pennsylvania
I met Dr.Geronimo through a friend of mine that also lives with Hashimotos as well as Celiac ,Vertigo. She was so happy with him and assured me ,I would not be dissapointed. This guy knew what he was talking about! It’s been about 3 weeks now. Already did the TH1/Th2 Challenge,and he determined that I was definately Th1 Dominant. So now We’re balancing the pathways… I have been on the XFLM for about 1 Week…and must say,At first I was up & down Felt great,but still tired. But not Wired Tired…. Wow, I actually do know the difference now! To live like someone ran over you with a Steam Roller for 15 years is Horrible! I’m soooo thankful to Dr.Karrazzian for doing the Research and taking the time to put this information out to help us Hashi-Stricken
people. Dr.Geronimo has been nothing short of relentless ,making sure that I’m following my Cave-Woman diet . So that the results come quickly. Today is a great day I’m on an uphill swing right now, and I’m hoping it will only continue to get better! Anyone who is looking for a great Doctor in this field, that follows Dr.Karrazzian’s Protocol, LOOK NO FURTHER….He’s Great!…And He’s Here!
L., San Diego CA
I am proud to say that I am one of Dr. G’s first Hashimoto’s patients. Ironically enough, I didn’t even know that I had Hashimoto’s until Dr. G found the antibodies in a blood test. You have to understand that I was initially diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and have been suffering since my late 20’s. I have been a chiropractic patient of Dr. G for the past 4 years. He has helped me a lot with my migraines, muscle, and joint pains. About a year and a half ago, I came in because of a fibro flare up. He said that he had just spent the weekend at a blood chemistry seminar and wanted to run some tests on me. Anyway, it was the most comprehensive blood test that I ever got done. He checked my blood sugar, my cholesterol, my liver, my kidneys, and of course my thyroid. He said my TSH levels were high in functional range but they were not high enough to get marked by the lab. He recommended that I test for antibodies, and I hesitated because I didn’t want to get poked again. But I trusted him and sure enough the antibodies came back high. I took the results back to my PCP and he said that I had Hashimoto’s. He was the one who diagnosed my fibro when all along it was Hashimoto’s. Needless to say, he is no longer my PCP. I went back to Dr. G and he started treating my immune system through supplements. He worked on my leaky gut, fixed my sugar, and adrenals and lifted the brain fog. I can say that I am enjoying life again. My kids have their mom back and my husband is much happier as well. I’m not 100% and I don’t think that I ever will be. I’d say I’m between 85-90%. But when you’ve lived your life in such misery for a long time and doctors don’t know what to do with you 90% is a great place to be!